Light Rules Above Darkness

Light Rules Above DarknessFocus your mind in the quietness, though stillness is hard to achieve, whilst troubles surround you. Nothing is easy, though patience through perseverance is attainable.

Focus oneself, upon a star in the night’s sky, forever enlightening, forever touching the Earth in which you reside. The star gives of its own energy to lighten the night’s sky. Penetrating the darkness with a radiance that has allowed travelers throughout the centuries, to find their way in the darkness of night. As you also seek a direction in the darkness that obscures your path. Allowing this star to shine brightly within your mind.

Allow your path to be seen in clarity, not confusion. Be humble in your predicament, relinquishing the chains that hold you back. While you blindly exclude yourself from the truth. What lesson has your predicament taught you. The man that humbly bears the scars of life removes the stigma of failing to achieve imprecise beliefs held by human kind. Relinquish your troubles be humble my friends. Allow the star that burns brightly in your mind to guide your path. Guiding you through the obstacles, that obstruct you on your passage to more fulfilling times.

Stand within The God Light permitting colours so iridescent, colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Allow these colours to permeate through your very being, touching every part of the spirit that is you. Actions, words and ill thoughts towards you, may blighten your path, may reduce your self-worth. Ask of these attacks on your spirit to be enveloped by the light that shines upon you. Nothing can harm you for long, with the presence of light guarding you, from the darkness of ill intention.

Focus on the pain and suffering your body holds, the aches and pains that cause you discomfort, in your life. These can be removed, if not in their entirety, in part they can be vanquished, by disconnecting pain from thought. It is thought that holds onto the memory of pain. Does not the pain of a child’s burnt hand lessen when his mother kisses it better. Does not the love she embellishes lessen the pain within the child’s hand.

To envelope pain with love and light, extinguishes suffering. So once again allow love, allow The God Light in all its immensity, to wash away suffering and pain in whatever form that it governs your life. It need not be that way, love and light reign supremely within this world. Allow them to reign supremely within you.

From Ape To Man – Spiritual Evolution

From Ape To Man - Spiritual EvolutionI for one do not care what the Bible says, I believe in evolution. I believe we have evolved as a species, as science says from modest beginnings. Yet I believe in the soul and the spirit of man, I believe every animal has a soul as well.

So how can we evolve from single cell organisms to become human beings. It does seem like a long journey, one that has probably had many twists and turns. But on the surface it does seem a little absurd to think we have evolved from one little cell.

No wonder the Victorian Christians had a hard time getting around Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. But at the same time the earth being made in 7 days, and the notion that we have moved on 6000 years since then, seems equally hard to grasp.

Most people go with sciences view on evolution now, but that still leaves us wondering, especially the spiritual thinkers of the world. With the theory of evolution, there seems little mentioned on the soul and the spirit.When exactly did the spirit enter man, where exactly did the soul come from. Surely it was not present in a single celled organism, or maybe it was.

As I said earlier, I believe every animal has a soul, and that soul will go to Heaven, just like with us humans. I do not believe plants have such a soul, but I might be wrong, as they have evolved from exactly the same source as us, if we are to believe what science says on evolution.

Humans and animals have been proven to have a conscience, they are conscious of their actions, that is what is supposed to divide us from plants, yet, some plants have the ability to do some amazing things, like the Venus fly trap. Yet even considering this, I would see plants as more reactive than proactive. They react to circumstance, where most animals, would have the ability to be proactive. There is more of a mind behind the actions.

I cannot give you the answer to when the soul of man appeared on this planet, but I would guess that the soul’s evolution has come hand in hand with us as a species. At some point the soul of man took full hold of the body, and not too long afterwards, we saw the growth of great civilizations, before that point we would probably of had a less evolved soul. Which goes without saying, as everything evolves until it reaches perfection.

I know these words have posed more questions, than I have given answers, but the seed has been sown, for you, to explore and find the truth yourself.

I Pray

I PrayI pray for the little boy who fell over and banged his knee today, tears and screams of pain followed by weeping blood, I pray that a smile returns, so that he can play and enjoy himself once again.

I pray for the old lady, weighed down with shopping bags, back hunched in discomfort, face aching from years of toil, I pray that she finds comfort from her aching bones, I pray that she can once again, remember and laugh about her life when she looks back.

I pray for the man sat at home, weeping in his hands, trembling with fright, his mind tortured with the news that he has cancer, I pray that the light Of God enters his mind, so that he can find solace amongst his untold pain.

I pray for the young women who has just put down the phone, her mind blank and startled, like a rabbit in headlights, she has just heard the news that her husband has died overseas, fighting in the army to protect his country. Fighting against a country, that never declared war against his own. I pray that in the days and months to come that she remembers the man she fell in love with, that she remembers times of joy, instead of this moment of sorrow.

I pray for the leader of an unknown country, who just ordered his army to attack civilians protesting against him, an army not knowing if they are helping or hindering their own people. I pray the leader of this country is able to see right from wrong, I pray that he sees that only peace will free his people, as well as his own mind.

I pray for all the lost souls sobbing or sitting in silence tonight, lost because they do not know which way to go next, a life of pain has sapped their ability to choose the right direction for themselves. I pray that they see the light of God, and all those reading these words see the same light, so that once again, each and every one of us can be free of pain, suppression and discomfort.

I pray.

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